Management Privilege & gratitude One of the major concerns I had when I shifted away from my software developer role was the uncertainty over the future.
Personal Quitting, unquietly Quitting publicly was harder than I thought; I grew up as an "achiever" type, and I grew up believing that quitting is for losers. You persist and persist -- until I realized no one told me when to stop.
Personal What's in a job? One of the most beautiful words in the Tagalog language is the word for "job" or "work", which is "hanapbuhay". The word is a combination of two more Tagalog words:
Personal My journey of inclusion is my journey of faith Things took a turn twenty years ago when I took a sociology course in university. While I would say that I wasn't particularly homophobic – I had gay friends – I would be lying if I said that at that time my belief systems as a straight man didn't conform to the norms of patriarchy and homophobia.
Personal Yet again We had to give up some things, and we were forced to stare failure in the face. We had to ask for help after years of believing we've got everything we need to be independent. We had to give up living in our little piece of heaven.
Personal Bases of Tolerance There had been a lot of talk the past month about Github's decision to move away from the name 'master' towards 'main'.
Personal Rebuilding It feels like Groundhog Day. Or perhaps Edge of Tomorrow. You put it up, you build it, then something happens.